Vedic astrology, Mantra, Vastu, Kundli Matching
English, Hindi
15K mins
13K mins
Followers: 69
Exp: 14 Yrs
Career And Business, Child Birth, Education, Family Life, Health, Love & Relationship, Mental Health, Marriage, Remedies, Foreign Travel, Legal Matters, Shubh Muhurta, Stock Market, VideshYatra , Wealth And Property
English, Hindi
Nikhil Kumar Mahendra bhai patanwadia , 17-Nov-2024
very good
Hari Suman , 09-Nov-2024
need to talk more
Mridul kumar , 04-Nov-2024
Ji better than
Bishal Das , 31-Oct-2024
Really accurate
namha parkar , 30-Oct-2024
it was good
Hari Suman , 29-Oct-2024
He describes good